Three years ago today, a beautiful and precious angel feel to earth into the arms of a wonderful

and loving couple. Our little girl was a complete surprise to this couple and for their own personal reasons they went in search of a family to raise her because they felt they would not be able to.

With the greatest love and joy Eric and I were accepted to be this beautiful angel's parents. We named her Miranda Olivia! with in an hour of learning about her! After four long weeks and a few days she was placed into our family's open Arms on March 4th

2005 throiugh the help of the Gladeny Center for Adoption.
So today we celebrate her third year on this planet today! I thought I woul lookback and remember how little she was and how far my beautiul "Manda's " has come!

We have been through one open heart surgery for her AV canal defect at 10 months; lots of prayers and worried nights; almost 450 hours of early intervention therapy, tons of prescription formula and hours fighting to make her eat and gain weight! 6 ISFP's; a developmental evaluation; her first IEP and conference, 3 different hospitalizations for pneumonia ( one was eleven days); 2 cardiac cathederizations, 3 sets of ear tubes; an adenoidectomy, a overnight sleep study (did not involve

sleeping on her part); 2 MRI's, a cat scan; an EEG; a ton of xrays, lots of bloodwork, two ambulance rides, oxygen at home, monitors and sleepless nights listening for them to go off, and lots and lots of head colds, severalear infections , permanent excema, nystagmus that could make you dizzy if you watch it, a TIA and most likely a seizure disorder too! and of course gallons and gallons of snot!

BUT WE WOULD NEVER TRADE A MINUTE OF THAT FOR ANYTHING! SHe is happy and thriving and and utterly an amazing little girl! SHe laughs she makes her sounds for animals, she is starting to sign more words and becoming her own little person whose favorite word for her mom is "NO" or "NO WAY".
She loves to eat and to play and to be held and to b

e tickled and
sung to. SHe always points to her swing outside and wants to be in it with the "big" kids! She is growing and changing so rapidly that Eric and I are anxious and excited to see where she will go from here and is in such a big way going to benefit from starting

school next monday that even I can't imagine what the next year will bring for us all accept the joy of being part of it with her!
So Enjoy the photos of my littlest princess in the Grumpy Family! and see how she has changed....... and we have so much planned! I know we will be sharing with you!

So happy Birthday my dear Miranda! And remember
we all love you! Especially all your sisters!

1 comment:
She is SO cute! Happy Birthday Miranda!!!!
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