This was actually the first time I managed to get all of them in the car in less than 15 minutes....Colin even Carried Miranda, and Adrian brought Jordan! They wanted to go somewhere! Anywhere! They were bored too!
The kids really love to bounce and I doubted we would all have survived if we had stayed home again (no school due to president's day!) ....and we all know my major parental desire is that
school never be closed to celebrate anything ....accept maybe me winning the lottery.

So I decided to take them to BOUNCE-U and run off some of that energy that was so apparent and pent up due to the unseasonably cold weather lately. They had a blast!! Of course it is so different going to an open bounce instead of a birthday..... the kids actually have to wait in line.....and the best thing was NO one was givining Colin or Melea that much of a break!
NO BREAKS!!!!!!! Ok at first I was paniced and I kept trying to get him to listen....but he didn't need me telling him....that he ignored like most things I tell him....but these little and big kids made a bigger dent (figuratively and litterally) than I ever could!
We actually had a blast and Miranda and Jordan sat in their strollers and had a blast listening to the music and watching all the kids!
I probably should have stopped there! But NO! I had to chance it..... the kids still wanted to see a movie and it was 3:30.
So insane mommy said...lets chance it!
Actually we made it through getting the tickets, changing all the diapers, buying the food, and getting a seat without a horrible issue (OK one family moved....but who wouldn't when a mom with 6 kids (three in strollers) sits in front of you.
First mistake was....I forgot the straws.....but Adrian ran back to get them (and I watched her...but don't tell her). I forgot to pack the milk for Jordan (URGH!!!!!!!!!) and I though I had enough cherrios for Eliza....but I was wrong!
Colin. Melea and Adrian were awesome! They sat in their seats (though Adrian & Melea got up and danced several times) they ate their food and shared the candy and were awesome....accept one time I had to take Eliza & Jordan behind the barrier.....Eliza was so bad......and Colin got up and brought me Miranda....who then got mad because she was loving the music and sound / lights!
It actually was better than our last trip to the movies....but I wish I had know what was up with Eliza! Nothing would satisfy here! And the movie...Alvin & the Chipmunks..... was actually not the worst 97 minutes of my life....I even wanted to get her to calm down so I could get back and watch it! (I am thinking it is like Sponge Bob....it grew / grows on me)
Course when I was getting them ready for bed. I think I figured out what was up with Eliza..... she had a huge "runny green pooey"! This type always makes her "grumpy" !
All in all we survived another "day off" and I can only look foward to spring break with all the joy and anticipation of a root canal!