Jordan got his first haircut today! He is so grown up and well on his way into the terrible two's (see Pre -pro wrestling in my mudroom!), though he seems to want to help me do everything.....
It is a lot like the Dr. Jekyll / Mr. Hyde transition, and it usually involves him throwing himself on the floor and a lot of screaming!!!!!
But today he sat so still and wonderful as Miss Sarah at our local Custom Cuts cut his hair for the

It really wasn't that long, but it could use some clean up along the edges. Sarah and Jordan both did a great job!
We celebrate before the hair cut excursion with lunch at our Chinese restaurant with five of the seven kids. (Grandma has 2 and Emerson is still in the NICU) The kids love to eat Chinese, though I am still not sure that sweet -n- sour chicken is not just a chicken McNugget in disguise. Devon and Colin love the lo mein the best! It is so much fun to see Devon eat the rice and the lo

We also went shopping at Kohl's...... boy do I love their family bathroom!!!!! Devon and Colin were so intrigues with the "little" kid's potty in it...... they both tried it out and then flushed it several times in the time it took me to change all five of them.
Colin just found the little potty so "cool" ....actually so did his mom....... he flushed it several times as well as put several pieces of toilet paper down it before actually trying it out with his bottom! By the way did I mention he is potty trained enough to only use toilets he "likes"...... I guess I need to get Dad and school to get one of these potty's! Maybe that would make it easier!
We also went to home depot to buy the lights to put up under the kids loft!....... I stayed in the car with the kids and pumped milk for

OK! You actually know your little one has been in the NICU too long when...........
- you walk past an air compressor and start dripping milk
- you know what the cafeteria is serving and it is on a 21 day rotation
- you know the maintenance staff by first name
- you have learned at what time to get there to get the good parking spaces
- the front lobby guard knows your name and the receptionist starts printing your tag before you get there
- you feel like the only reason your some likes you is that you are "bringing" the milk!
- and you are counting the hours till you can bring him home!