Emerson has yellow seedy mustard color and consistency POOP!!!! This is a good, no really and awesomely great things....a really a great thing! Cause it shows that all the time spent attached to the breast pump is a doing something for my son.
It means he has the ability to eat and go all the way through! It makes me so proud being the "pumping fiend" that I am!!!! I really am enjoying the fact that Adrian and Colin keep calling me "Robo mom" when I am pumping.
Adrian also wants to help me each time we pump with setting up the pump and she washes out the bottles and helps with the labels. I am so proud of how she wants to help her baby brother!
A lot of time I still feel like he isn't my son. It is so hard to leave him in total care of others when we leave each day. I even packed my clothes yesterday to stay...... I wanted to stay overnight, I needed to stay overnight....... but I cried when Adrian asked me not to on the phone (daddy asked too.......) they missed me so much when I was in the hospital (those 17 long and very lonely days!
I am so excited about how breast feeding went the first time today! He latched the second time, he used me for a snooze pillow the first feeding (no surprise there)..... he also seems to be on east coast time..... they want him to eat every three hours (at 3, 6, 9 & 12)........ well he is always ready at hours of 2,5, 8 and 11!
He latched really well for as small as his little mouth is...... it seemed to go very well compared to the bottle feedings, it seemed much easier for him to coordinate his suck, swallow mechanism than with the bottle. He also did not have any breathing or heart rate drops! (like with the bottle)
I can't wait to do this all day tomorrow and to spend the night this weekend when Kayla comes home to help with the kids!
Speaking of the kids, I can't ever say thank you enough to all the people who have helped Eric and I with the children during the last month! Kayla, Lynn, Angie, Tammy, Trina, Jane A, TiTi, Grandma, Nick, Debbie and Julie! They have been amazing! They helped undecorat my house (not a small task with 16 trees & garland and lots of "JUNK")
The kids have been wonderful at all the changes too (EVEN DEVON...... awesome) Also to my neighbors and friends who have brought food and cookies to make it easier! This has helped so much with planning and making caring for the seven kids easier!
I am actually a lot less swollen than I was (ALMOST 27 LBS OF WATER GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!) but just about 30 water pounds to go!!!
Still have 10 baby pounds too! Some where in there but the total of 57 lbs higher after leaving hospital than when we entered on the 23rd of December.
But the next coolest thing after the poo! Is that I actually got to buy some slippers only asize bigger than my usual (daddy's were 12 WW in men's) but i had to cut them to get them on!!
I am going to try to put on a pair of my "end" of pregnancy maternity tights tomorrow (they would not stay up before Christmas...I was to skinny still) but I need to get something on my legs the cold air and the swelling is chapping them way to much! We shall see........ I am thinking maybe Saturday and the one pair of shoes I have in size 11 might fit! or my slip on backless sandals (Here is hoping!)
I an walking better, still using the walker on really long distances (OR THE WALL) I just keep worrying about falling and loosing my balance!
Still not able to drive yet,,,,, maybe we will try this weekend. I can get in the passenger side of the van.... it has two handles and I can pull up, but not as easy (OK Eric says it doesn't look that easy) on the driver's side! I think Eric is really worried about me falling and hurting myself! (I fell Saturday in the garage! ) Like I needed another bruise!
All the other issues are doing well and I am so excited I "don't pee" when I cough or sneeze any more and it doesn't hurt to laugh (which I am doing a lot at myself lately!)
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