I finally got a round to painting Adrian's new room......she moved in last May 1st (before Devon came and we moved everyone around).
Cause you know having eight kids including the new baby....making painting so easy! Let us not forget that Adrian wanted to help which then involved a lot of wet wipes and Mr. Clean Eraser's and carpet cleaner (she stepped in the pink paint and the tracked it everywhere!)
I never got to paint it....cause when I had time I found out I was pregnant..... and wanted to wait till the end of first trimester..... the the puking came........ and the rest is a long history.
We had her bed made ----just not painted....... and we had moved all her stuff up there (it is a loft above our bedroom). Sometime she has the most expensive carpet in the house with all her clothes and toys all over!
So before Devon came we moved all hers, Colin's & Melea's doll's (their twinns) and the clothes I made them...... her special doll house and the EVIL barbie who wears every ones clothes....... I hate that three foot tall thing! I mistake it for a child all the time!

It is long and skinny........ likely Melea will end up there some day and Miranda in with Eliza so there are two in every room.
So here they are...... by the way she picked all the colors and decided what to do....... I just painted and got yelled at cause I was taking to long!
Adrian just loves bright colors and putting as many together as humanly possible! She is so bright and cheery and her clothing shows that so I let her paint that in her room too!
I figure if she ever turns into a "goth"..... I will know..... really quickly! I do not even think she owns anything that is black.
I also wrote out my favorite saying..... I think I tell her every day at least twice....... YOU SO NOT HAVE TO BE THE BEST....... YOU JUST HAVE TO TRY YOUR BEST!!!! The funniest thing was when she used it back at me...... I love her....

She doesn't like the green in the steps..... she wanted the pepto bismo pink (I HATE PINK and since I see it from my closet I did preempt her!) and I love we green!
We just have to make the curtains for the 36" x 164" window! & The normal one. I fell in love with some at Wal-Mart..... but they discontinued them when I wasn't looking .....hot magenta balloon shades. I did get three on eBay for $10. But I need 10 more..... so I think we will likely end up sewing them!
She does have the most awesome view..... third floor from the top of Thunder Mountain....... down on the valley.......
I also want her to remember all the things she can be ...... in case I forget to tell her every morning with the eight of them and trying to get them out the door!
BY THE WAY SHE IS A COLORFUL GIRL..... that is a mild outfit int the photos! Have a great day! You can not see the purple paisley leggins and hot pink glitter shoes.
WOW!!!! Way cool.
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