Long Story: I sat outside with my computer today watching my five beautiful children play in the back yard (thanks Jeff the Rainbow Guy!) and have fun on this beautiful fall day!. I watched my little Miranda playing in the wading pool...she sat and splashed and batted her toys around for almost an hour.
All the children came over and played with her. Sometimes they took turns and other times all five of them piled into the little pool. It was a site to see. They later " dragged" her over to the sand box.
These children are so determined for Miranda to play with them to run with them and to do everything they do that it is scary. They are forever trying to make her, to drag her or to show her how to walk that it sometimes makes her so angry and frustrated. I feel bad because I know how much she wants to do this but has yet been unable.
Miranda tires out really easily. More so in the last few months that previous ones...but I think part of that has to do with her trying so hard to walk. She also has had pneumonia four times since July. But today...with all of the kids pushing and pulling and making her "bear walk" and being dragged around the pool and sand box she "stood up" without braces, with out a hand hold, nothing to grab but her big brother (he was about 8 to 10 inches away). And stood there...she looked like she would fall any second.... but....
In all the hub a baloo and the fight that was going on between Melea and Eliza over a toy...Miranda took three steps...not a lunge or a coordinated fall but THREE STEPS toward the quieter side of the sand box and then she just plopped down away from the rest of them and just smiled at me and then pretty much fell over onto the side of the box and fell asleep!
Unusual...yes....she is almost 32 months old, she doesn't walk on her own safely and just really started walking holding hands about 10-15 days ago. But today was the day, I think she had had enough of the others and just wanted peace and quiet and she was going to get it!
Becoming a parent isn't easy no matter how it is done. Birth, adoption, blended families...all present different joys and challenges to building a family. However somehow I had a little dream always named Miranda in the back of my head! A very little persistent dream that became a reality in February of 2005.
Many people seem to have this wonderful ability to tell me (an a lot of parents) all the things their children may never do, or that it will take so much longer for them to do things or don't be to disappointed when..... (fill in the blank). Well Miranda loves to prove all of them wrong. She has been doing it since she got here. "Oh she will have trouble eating cause of her heart...she might not use a bottle....oh it will be a while till she gets out of the hospital...." Well she surprised all of them....off with that NG tube faster than ever expected, small weight gains but consistent.
I will never forget how many EKG leads she pulled off after her heart surgery, or how no one could really see how sick she was on the inside cause she was doing great at masking it on the out side! SHE is the poster child for perseverance.
Miranda reminds me of the fable of the turtle and the hare. Just like the turtle she make such slow progress...some days / weeks it is very slow almost non existent. THEN A HUGE LEAP and we are in front of a new skill! Being Miranda's mom has made me realize that it really is true that .....slow and steady will complete the race. She constantly reminds me that it is not winning but finishing with the right attitude that makes you a success. So with that in mind I know that Miranda is going to be a "winner" cause baby does she have attitude!!!!!!
Together we have been through a few hospitalizations, a cardiac catheterization, open heart surgery, ear infections, pink eye, three sets of ear tubes, a sleep study, adenoid removal, glasses, a ton of therapies and MORE SNOT than you would think anyone can make....but she just keeps plodding along to the beat of her own drummer. Miranda seems to exude perseverance and she does it with attitude.
She hasn't been feeling as well lately and it has been really hard to see her being so sick (four pneumonias since July isn't a great sign) but through it all I see that "Miranda" attitude! She wants to be healthy, she wants to play and she wants to chase those siblings of hers (and heaven help her mother when she can) and what I have learned from being her mother that she will do all of this and more...just in her time.
Miranda didn't read anu of those developmental books yet! I am sure she will though ...and we will laugh at them together. She doesn't know that she is "running" late for any developmental milestone (ds or not), she seems to do everything at her own speed. All Miranda is aware of at this time is that she wants to be "running" after her big brother and sisters...and to be chasing the Jordan....and if today proves anything to me....she will be there soon than later!

1 comment:
glad to see how well she is doing! i'm her cousin chris(my dad is her birth dad's brother), feel free to drop by my blog from time to time. i'm one year old (sept, 9, 2006) and so far i'm still a lonely child.
baby hugs!
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