I am the a very lucky mom! I chose to be a stay at home mom, and I have a wonderful supportive husband who endeavors to make this possible. I get a lot of the fun (though many days I do miss work so I could just have an adult conversation, but the joys of being with my children so out weigh what I feel I miss.
My children have actually taught me more than I ever learned in school (sorry about that Dr. W & all professors and teachers I ever had). Since I needed to introduce my children to you- I thought I would do it this way!
Everyday my children bring me things- some are way cool like paintings or drawings. I get lots of other tangibles too. I love flowers- usually dandelions and thistle grass which always has to be put in vase and marveled at. However sometimes it is the wadded up diaper that got stuffed down the air vent, or my favorite the molded sippy cup that is stinking the car up. But the best gift they have given me is teaching me about life.
Colin-my oldest son at the time of this post- everyday teaches me (and almost everyone he meets) about laughter and humour! He has been a part of our life since the day I was called from the agency and told about him. I have loved him since that time and the thought of him has always made me smile! I have watched him grow and change over the last six plus years and one thing really stands out! HE LOVES TO GIGGLE!!!! It is infectious, it can make you smile, it can make anyone smile, and he genuinely wants to make people happy and he does this by laughing!
This morning, after rushing to get five kids bathed, showered, hair & teeth brushed, two braids done, orthotics and shoes & socks on each child, then rush to make sure everyone has a glass of milk or juice (gosh I get so frustrated when they don;t want to drink it)- got everybody going to school downstairs (baby is sleeping in his crib still - thank heaven) and Miranda into the play room; checked the bags I packed last night (key to having 6 kids is prepare the night before); fought with Melea about what snacks to pack in her backpack- she keeps putting her raisins in Colin's & trying to take a popsicle; one of them trips and starts screaming, which makes someone else scream cause they don't like the noise....one bus is early, the other is late and for some reason I have to carry Melea to the bus this morning- I guess legs don't work after blueberry breakfast bars & milk, and all I really want to do is shove the last two on the bus and go get my coffee....
Colin turns around and signs mommy kiss- he hasn't been doing this on or near the bus lately- we are growing up whether I like it or not. He puts a kiss on my cheek and then raspberries me really loud and pulls away makes a "fart sound" out of his throat and points to me and signs
"stinky" and just giggles, throws his arms around me and body hugs me, steps back, cocks his head to the side and then belly laughs, hugs me one more time and then "prances" gleefully giggling to his seat! He then waves bye out the window and keeps giggling! (I can hear it as the bus leaves)
"stinky" and just giggles, throws his arms around me and body hugs me, steps back, cocks his head to the side and then belly laughs, hugs me one more time and then "prances" gleefully giggling to his seat! He then waves bye out the window and keeps giggling! (I can hear it as the bus leaves)
You know what all the hustle and bustle and tears and frustration are gone, cause I know that he loves me! Colin doesn't care how much money I have or don't have, he doesn't care that I still have 15 lbs to loose after having Jordan, he doesn't care about the fact we were late this morning and rushed, nor that there is now smeared blueberry muck on my dress from clearing Eliza's mouth (side note- I am never buying blueberry breakfast bars again). None of it matters!!!! Not the interest rates, not our 401k ,not the bills for that moment, or building onto our house or any worries that I am thinking about matter right now or all day if I let them.....
His giggle is like my happy thought! If I can keep that sound and the feeling it gives me I can do anything! I love listening to Colin laugh, giggle and watching him smile ..... this laughter and the love or zest for life that it shows allows me to put in perspective the rest of the "my"day and "my" problems.
Seeing his joy at making me smile, hearing that infectious"giggle" and knowing that he and his little joke on me this morning and his wonderful and pure little giggles will brighten so many peoples lives today.
So when I first wanted to be a parent, I thought I would do all the teaching .... but instead I have determined that I still have so much to learn on a daily basis.
This is what I have gained from being Colin's mom! He has taught me the power or laughter, how infectious it is, how we all need to stop and take a look at our lives and whatever is bothering us and just laugh, smile and try to lead our lives so that we help others do this. We will likely never have a bad day and bring joy to others!
Have a wonderful and "giggly" day!
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