As a former Physics and science teacher you would think this would be a lesson my children would know by now....but oh no!!! Everyday all of them seem to try to prove that gravity doesn't effect them! Now why they would be any different from the other billions of people who inhabit the eath is beyond me!
So I usually get a chuckle almost every day on how my children still have to prove this every day! Whether they have that little extra piece or not, all of my kids take great pride in demonstrating on a regular basis thats “Gravity Works”!!!
Yesterday each of the six decided to do their six separate experiments. I really is sort of fun…
Melea proved that Gravity works by “blindly” jumping onto the fire pole on our rainbow set …something she normally does very well…but this time she forgot to grab the pole! She determined that gravity hurts too!
Colin and Eliza seemed to work on their gravity experiments together . He kept trying to push her on the swing and she keeps falling off. No tears though, just giggles…he would pick her back up and put her on the swing and try again (because this time She won’t fall off…NOT….LOL)
Adrian is really into wanting to imitate our favorite waitress and our local Mexican joint. She is forever putting two or three plates on her arms and delivering them to the table for me. But this time I needed some cups delivered! She wanted to do it like her friend “Ashley”, so she puts one cup in each hand and then puts the handle of the last cup in her mouth! (Ashley does not do this so I am not where it came from). Now Adrian does realize that gravity does work ….most of the time. So she has her head tilted all the way to the side…but the milk is still teetering precariously. She says through her clenched mouth “mom…mom…can you help please!” I think she wants me to take the cup…wrong….she wants me to drink some out so she can get to the table without spilling it since it doesn't have a lid!
But the funniest basically like this…. After getting home from an appointment, I put Jordan in his high chair and give him a toy. It hits the ground, so I make the assumption that he has thrown it!!! Jordan then squeals with delight!!! This very unique high pitch noise grabs my attention….I walk over and pick it up and make over him a little while I am trying to open a box of cherrios.
I turn around…. I hear a giggle from Miranda and then that delightful little squeal from Jordan…. And it is on the floor. I go over and pick it up…hand it back to him and now he and Miranda are giggling! I go back to trying to open that box of cheerios. Miranda crawls over to stand next to her brother’s chair….at the same time Jordan is trying to pitch that toy again….I hear that delightful squeal then I turn and Miranda is picking up the toy for her brother….
The phone rings….side note I am so tired of wrong numbers for Hulsey construction (we got their phone number 30 months ago when we moved here we still get 5-6 call per week. During this time I manage to open the cereal box and I have heard the toy get passed back and forth a few more times…I tell Miranda to go sit at the table. Well my squealing / giggling little guy still wants to play. Miranda hasn’t really moved yet….Jordan throws it again….squeals because he wants me to get it.
I go over to put the cereal out for Miranda and to pick up his toy and then I look down and realize to my chagrin that it is not only my children that like to prove that gravity works….because I forgot I was holding the cereal and now Miranda is sitting in a huge pile of them!!!!
These scene slightly reminds me of Captain Kirk in the Trouble with Tribles episode on the original Star Trek series….except she looks like she is in seventh heaven!...and yet again my floor is covered with cheerios…oh well I love the crunch!
Yesterday each of the six decided to do their six separate experiments. I really is sort of fun…
Melea proved that Gravity works by “blindly” jumping onto the fire pole on our rainbow set …something she normally does very well…but this time she forgot to grab the pole! She determined that gravity hurts too!
Colin and Eliza seemed to work on their gravity experiments together . He kept trying to push her on the swing and she keeps falling off. No tears though, just giggles…he would pick her back up and put her on the swing and try again (because this time She won’t fall off…NOT….LOL)
Adrian is really into wanting to imitate our favorite waitress and our local Mexican joint. She is forever putting two or three plates on her arms and delivering them to the table for me. But this time I needed some cups delivered! She wanted to do it like her friend “Ashley”, so she puts one cup in each hand and then puts the handle of the last cup in her mouth! (Ashley does not do this so I am not where it came from). Now Adrian does realize that gravity does work ….most of the time. So she has her head tilted all the way to the side…but the milk is still teetering precariously. She says through her clenched mouth “mom…mom…can you help please!” I think she wants me to take the cup…wrong….she wants me to drink some out so she can get to the table without spilling it since it doesn't have a lid!
But the funniest basically like this…. After getting home from an appointment, I put Jordan in his high chair and give him a toy. It hits the ground, so I make the assumption that he has thrown it!!! Jordan then squeals with delight!!! This very unique high pitch noise grabs my attention….I walk over and pick it up and make over him a little while I am trying to open a box of cherrios.
I turn around…. I hear a giggle from Miranda and then that delightful little squeal from Jordan…. And it is on the floor. I go over and pick it up…hand it back to him and now he and Miranda are giggling! I go back to trying to open that box of cheerios. Miranda crawls over to stand next to her brother’s chair….at the same time Jordan is trying to pitch that toy again….I hear that delightful squeal then I turn and Miranda is picking up the toy for her brother….
The phone rings….side note I am so tired of wrong numbers for Hulsey construction (we got their phone number 30 months ago when we moved here we still get 5-6 call per week. During this time I manage to open the cereal box and I have heard the toy get passed back and forth a few more times…I tell Miranda to go sit at the table. Well my squealing / giggling little guy still wants to play. Miranda hasn’t really moved yet….Jordan throws it again….squeals because he wants me to get it.
I go over to put the cereal out for Miranda and to pick up his toy and then I look down and realize to my chagrin that it is not only my children that like to prove that gravity works….because I forgot I was holding the cereal and now Miranda is sitting in a huge pile of them!!!!
These scene slightly reminds me of Captain Kirk in the Trouble with Tribles episode on the original Star Trek series….except she looks like she is in seventh heaven!...and yet again my floor is covered with cheerios…oh well I love the crunch!
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