This dinner was so much better than our last one where we took all the children. Basically we decided that we would go to the Mexican restaurant if we could eat on the patio…I really hoped the sky would open up and pour on our trip over there cause I really wanted Outback or the new restaurant…but Adrian and Colin were squealing Mexican…….Actually I love our local restaurant so much…but I just want something different occasionally!
I told the children we would drive by and we could only eat there if the tables were out… well we pulled in…Eric was going to fib a little and take us to the new steak place… but Adrian started screaming “I can see the tables…they are out….the tables are out”. Colin is so excited making the consistent noise he does for Mexican and signing food and eat and Mexico!!!(I have to find out the sign for burrito!) So we are stuck!!! Oh well! And it is so economical for us to eat there with our Entertainment coupon anyways!
Eric stops the van in front…all kids (Colin thru Miranda) unload. Adrian goes and gets our table, and then returns to help Melea with Eliza and the three of them walk to the table. Colin volunteers to help carry Miranda…but I talk him into the diaper bag instead. Eric is in charge of Jordan and the van.
I get the tables set and all the children actually sit….we only get one high chair (for Jordan) and everyone else is in a regular chair. Only major issue is figuring out how to get every in a seat next to “daddy” or “mommy”. Thank heaven Colin is not as determined that he needs to sit next to one of us as the other ones are (or need too).
One of our favorite waitresses is there…Miss Hannah!!! She takes the drink order…water for all accept Adrian who kept her shoes on so she picks soda! Then we order our dinners: Colin got his usual…burrito and taco; We tried something new for Melea…tostada. (she didn’t like it); Adrian got nuggets and beans & tortillas to make burritos (which she hates it I call them burritos but will make her own with the beans. go figure); Eliza got her usual taco salad…cause she can feed herself it with a spoon (she still doesn’t like touching “funny” feeling food; and for Miranda we were going to try an enchilada!
This is the first time I have ordered an enchilada for Miranda…she has eaten parts of them off my plate…but usually after she has finished her beans and quesadilla (her favorite). I was really hoping that she and Melea liked the new choices…I knew we would now soon!
Well Hannah turned in our order…brought the drinks…which mad Melea sad…cause she wanted milk. She then actually asked for milk (with her mouth) which made me have to order it for her. Her dad almost got her to sign thank you to Miss Hannah…but she started the hide you face/be shy thing... but she did actually ask for it... Melea gets so shy when we go out.
Well the meals came…the kids (especially Adrian) love the way Hannah, Ashley, Louis and the other waiters carry all the plates to there respective tables….the kids are always imitating them at home …they keep proving the law of gravity every time they do this…but it is so entertaining so I just let them keep try it.
Hannah set all of the plates down in front of the children. While Melea was expressing her displeasure in her tostada (pretty loudly) I am trying to get Miranda, Eliza and Jordan’s food ready for them…in the blink of an eye…Miranda decides I am not waiting for you mom! So while Melea didn’t like the food experimentation, Miranda says MEXICAN MEXICAN!!!!

Miranda loved her meal! All of it!!!... She fed herself (As you can see). I really felt bad and I know that Hannah was happy cause we were eating on the patio and she could hose it off… I think the enchilada was gone in less than five seconds. Miranda was so proud of feeding herself, proud of eating this…. She is beaming and just so happy that she had fed herself. I just wish she would have put a little less on herself. She even managed to get beans inside her sure step orthotics...I was so impressed or scared
After we ordered Melea her “regular”….and everyone finished there food…I cleaned of Miranda, put her in a new t-shirt (always carry a few in the car for fun evening like this) and then daddy brought the van up and we all walked to the car, helping mom carry stuff, holding Eliza’s hand and just being happy!
So last night…I may have eaten taquitos and flan…but as a parenting moment “I got the whole enchilada”
1 comment:
Heehee - Too Cute!!
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