I had the greatest idea for Christmas this year! I would get Melea, Colin and Adrian "MyTwinn" dolls. These are amazing pose able dolls that are "sortof made to look like each child. They are very pricey IMHO, but I was going to make most of the clothes and I remember loving to dress up like my dolls when I was little.

So I saved up and bought them was early ( they are about $30 cheaper if you buy them in the late summer / early fall. I made lots of doll clothes, bought preemie girl tights at Walmart and ordered tons of shoes on Ebay. All three of the children got about 10 outfits & sweaters *& a coat (thank heaven I sew) , a bed (which was handmade and hand sewn linens); a set of sterilight containers to keep the clothes in and Colin even got glasses for his.

This mom had all these crazy delusions, that they would all work on their fine motor skills with buttoning, and matching outfits and, their social/pretend play skills by interacting and taking the dolls places.
WHAT WAS I THINKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I already had six children I am hunting shoes for and
chasing around when it comes time to put them in the car..... well now I think I actually have nine I am hunting shoes for! Colin is forever bringing me his doll & clothes and signing "help " and "doll" and "me". I was looking for it to increase communication skills.....JUST NOT WITH ME!

OK, I really do love my three new Children....Miguel, Isabelle and whatever Adrian is calling hers today.....yesterday is was Deja lili ee ooh...

ButI am sure later this afternoon I will hit myself upside of my head and exclaim " what was I thinking~!"
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