Miranda has decided to eat with a spoon! I mean really eat...not just the one try she used to give before chucking it away and resorting to scooping whatever it is with her hands.... because utensils just get in the way!!!! Yougurt and soup are not really very good foods to eat this way!
Last night I was just so excited... she really decided to to do this on her own..... or maybe she just decided that she could feed herself faster and better if I wasn't involved in the process.... but whatever reason..... she can do it on her own.... my littlest princess is growing up!

Less than four weeks till she starts preschool! I can't believe three is approaching that fast!
I am utterly impressed with this new medicine they have her on for pain/seizures..... she is like a different child and growing and moving and learning and just plain taking off in so many directions at once I think I will soon find it hard to keep up with her!
SIDE NOTE: "Elmos Grows Up" is at the Scott Trade Center next week...think maybe we will go and I will leave the screw drivers at home!
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