Saturday, December 13, 2008

Yesterday I was so proud........

Adrian told me the truth ahead of time!!!!! Eric & I have been working on this for a while and I am just so excited that she did it.......... I can forgive almost anything ........ I just want to know ahead of time!

Here is what happened......

At kindergarten they have four different levels of cards green, yellow, red and blue. They get them for behavior Green is for a good day........ blue ..... well go right to Principal's office!

Ironically I had been expecting Princess Grumpy to have a lot of issues with in class room behavior and to drive her teacher nuts...... but she has had all green cards so far. We get a paper we are supposed to sign each Friday with the colors for the whole week, and if they had all green they get to pick a special prize from the treasure chest (again slightly annoying when she brings home the same crap I sent in for the chest..... but another story!)

Well Friday we are getting ready for school..... we all just put Devon on the bus and hugged the heck out of him cause he waved bye bye and said it too!

We are walking back in and I say to her "What do you want to pick out today from Cochran's Treasure chest?"

I am expecting to hear a crown or a necklace or a cool pencil or something....... I hear instead " Well Mom, I have been meaning to bring this up since Wednesday........"

My mind starts rolling, and I am a little worried (She is my kid after all and do I have a temper! as well as little regard for the rules at times)

Wed was also early dismissal day ...... which is really hard because both morning and afternoon classes are there at the same time and there are almost 40 children and adults in the room! SO I am really starting to get worried.

She then proceeds to tell me she got a yellow card for not following directions and messing around with another student (didn't need to guess which one...... she has a little boy in the afternoon that neither he nor Adrian can behave really well when the other is around!...... not an excuse mind you.... just observation!)

I give her a big hug and tell her it is all right...... we all have a day or two every once and while where we don't want to follow the directions, I just hope that she listens better the next time and that I was so proud she told me! (before I got a call or saw the paper.......)

I really was proud and I reminded her later when we told Eric about it...... that mom hasn't been listening really well lately and has been really on edge and short fused so I could understand why she might have similar problems........ she did say that at least she wasn't pregnant! (my excuse)

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