Monday, July 14, 2008

Inclusion at its best!!!!

Tonight after taking Melea & Adrian to cheer leading! Gosh I love that it is just so much fun to sit and watch Mlea about 15 seconds to a minute behind everyone else and Adrian trying to keep her going!

I have this philosophy for both of them.....they don't have to be the best, but they have to try their best...... not a best night for Adrian!

But we are in the drive thru at McDonald's and a little boy starts yelling at the car! I am perplexed and surprised....cause I do not recognize him or his car...... BUT HE IS ADAMANT HE KNOWS ME!!!!

Eventually cause McDonald's is moving so slow (I swear ours has its own time zone after 5 pm) this little guy gets out of the car and comes over to talk to me!

He wants to know how Colin is...... and if he is in the car....... and what he is doing....... I finally realize that he is a little boy from Colin's kindergarten class! I am actually amazed at how interested he is in Colin (in a good way)!

He shows me the sign for friend and tells me how nice Colin is and how he hopes he is in Colin's room next year and so on...... till his mom screams at him (I would have too) and makes him go back to his car!

I guess the fact that Colin never tells me about anything that happens at school or that I never hear about anything at all, he is still making an impact!

And I go back to my original thoughts about inclusion..... it is not to help my kids at all! It seems to help others more!

So Colin's little friend you made one tired old mom's day today by banging on my car and wanting to see your friend!

Hear is hoping you still care about him in 10 to 15 years...... but right now you made me smile and go home and get a huge hug from him and I told him all about his friend who had wanted to know what he was up to. He spent the rest of the evening signing "friend" and "school" so I am excited that he understood!


1 comment:

JennyH said...

Max is the same. He doesn't (can't) come home and tell me about his day but the kids in his class just love him! It is so sweet. Glad Colin is just as loved at school.