Thursday, January 22, 2009

Devon says "bye bye addie" & Emeerson Update!

This morning...... just after the most awesome husband in the world packed all of the "CRAP" I need for a whole day at the NICU with Emerson........ my breast feeding bag (snacks protein bars, pumping supplies, writing stuff, medicines); my computer & all the stuff I need to start our taxes (I have a notebook which was making its first journey into the outer reaches of the neighborhood with me today); the breast milk bag with ten 2 oz full bottles,the camera and my cell phone.

I turned to Devon and said.... ''bye bye''....... he waved right back at me and said "bye bye" . I asked him to say mommy, which he did....... but then he said "bye bye"to daddy.

I was really surprised........ usually he sort of ignores Eric (which is about time cause 6 other children all have said signed or spoken the words "DADDY" long before they every uttered mommy!) So I do a lot of private gloating that at least one likes me better to learn to say mama first!

Well I said to Eric, Devon was talking to you, he turned and I said Devon can you say "daddy". Next thing I know we have a "bye bye addie!" coming out of his mouth. He waved and then attempted to sign. I repeated the correct pronunciation and he repeated the phrase....... and the motion again! I repeated and made sure Eric was paying attention this time....... and again Devon said "bye bye and addie!".

I really hated all the time I spent in the hospital..... but I guess it had one really good effect!!!! Devon learned he has a daddy too!

In regards to Emerson today........ he is breathing better. Still on the nasal cannula 1L , still at 25 to 30 % and still having occasional times where he is breathing rapidly. However it seems less than yesterday.

He was up 60 grams (paperclips) today! Again he is gaining weight really well....... we just got to breath on our own!

Breast feeding went so much better today ..... he took breast milk at 8:30, 11:40 and 2:30. Each time was almost 20 minutes a the breast. He still sucked and stopped......... but he got a lot of milk in cause I pumped afterwards and I got very little from each side.

The still put about 30 ml through the NG tube...... cause I know he is not getting a full feed (he needs 56 ml each time to grow for the 8 feedings at this moment). They also added the milk fortifier to the milk going in the tube. The docs (not the head one, but all the young residents are all concerned about how we will know if he has eaten enough or not!!!! Numbers and quantities work so well for scientific people!!!! (remember I am one of them too...... BUT REALLY after 7 kiddos of them I do know a thing or two about how to see if baby is getting enough food)

He gets his PIC line out as soon as someone gets down here to do that!!!! (The reason why he only can wear one arm in his clothes......) this will simplify feeding..... it is always in the way...... now all the wires left on him that we have are the heart and pulse ox and the O2. The O2 is really the only one that we will likely loose before we get discharged..... these doctors love their numbers........

I really enjoyed the day at the hospital so much!!!!! (except for the taxes) We did a lot of snuggling, I changed him all the time, gave him his sponge bath, and changed his outfit!!!! He looked great in the green, but looks so cute in the yellow too! (now that the jaundice has resolved!). I also had them raise the head of his bed a little higher to increase the angle....... he seems to breathing better!

Can't wait to spend the night this weekend. It really is helping me feel more like his mom, than the lady who just drops by!


I got tights on them this morning!!!!!! OK they were pregnancy size 4x ones, (and I was wearing a B size before pregnancy......... ) but they are covered and warm AND I AM HAPPY!

The legs were really beginning to chafe and get chapped from all the cold weather , though ironically it was 59 degrees here today!

Still no ability to get shoes on, and I hope this changes soon. I also did not get as tired and they didn't hurt as much today at the hospital..... I am thinking the tights didn't let any new build up happen....... so I will keep wearing them for a while!


Cheesecake Time Family said...

Sounds like things are progressing nicely for both you and Emerson. Now I know why Eric has been looking so worn out when he comes into work!
Hang in there, both of you. I greatly admire your determination and drive!

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